At this point I'm still deciding. I honestly don't see the political system as fair. It doesn't matter who I vote for, because they're all rich, and I'm not. Someone like me can't afford a $10 million+ campaign for a governer position or a presidency. The system is severely overbalanced towards the "elite" of society, which makes me not want to vote for Kerry or Bush and participate in a discriminatory election system.
But given a choice of one over the other, I would probably vote for Kerry just by a hair because I feel that domestic issues at the moment are starting to become more pressing than the middle east. Don't let yourselves get me wrong, foreign policy, especially in Iraq right now is very important, but we could use some improvement at home as well. Currently, we aren't receiving it.
Atrocity: yes, killing jews and burning them in ovens seems to be something you enjoy. make sure you tell spatula how much you enjoy being called a nazi..