Originally Posted by Phunkie
And the person to be possibly tortured would be a "bad" person, i.e. a terrorist, a kidnapper etc. So we're (or at least I'm) not talking about torturing innocents.
Would you torture a lawyer into breaking the client priveliege confidentiality?
He is an innocent man. Would you?
If a regular law abbiding citizen happens to know something, but he´s not willing to talk, would you torture him?
If your father, or brother or any other family member happened to know something but would not talk, would you have him tortured?
You guys are willing to use torture to save your loved ones, but you forget that the tortured man also has family, and that someday it might be you in his shoes. How quick would you be to agree to torture being used, if the man ending up with a mental breakdown or even death, were your father?