Originally Posted by Starfury
People who are prone to hating a whole group of people are hardly concerned with what some holy book allows and what not. Do you think that the people who did this cared about wheter the bible condones the torture in Abu-Ghraib?
The torchure at Abu-Ghraib wasn't planned or executed under the pretense of being a religious act like this beheading was. It was merely the publicizing of what secret services and military intelligence have been doing for decades...
Originally Posted by Starfury
No, I think (hope) many people on this board never had to see anyone die, certainly not in such a way. I think that most people are grossed out, because it is gross. (That's also why I certainly won't look at it, I don't think it would give me anything but a sick stomach)
Then why wasn't there such a huge outcry when David Perl was beheaded and the whole thing was video taped? Does it happen to be that one happened in Iraq where all these barbarians live and the other was in Pakistan where... ooops shhhh.... don't say it.... we need Pakistan's support to whoop Afghanistan.... SHHHHHH.....
Originally Posted by Starfury
I don't know about you, but I've seen a lot of footage of dead people, but very rarely of their actual death. (Most of it in WW2 documentaries, but that's way more anonymous) And if I see someone getting killed in a movie, I know that's not real.
Seen both in footage and in real life neither is pretty but part of life and human nature...
Originally Posted by Starfury
So that's where the name's from
Someone found me out... Case and point... you can't deal with mangled bodies in accidents and dead folks if you don't accept it as part of life and in a sense don't numb over it.
Worst case I ever wittnessed was a drunk bastard that ran over a mom walking on the sidewalk with 3 kids killing all of them.Anywho... This one was worse than the beheading (not to sound messed up) but they were both criminal acts with a similar outcome .... of sorts...
Originally Posted by Starfury
Fully agree, but I wish that noone will ever have to see this.
Again... it is your choice... Why watch something knowing what to expect (to see a man get beheaded in a brutal and dilletant way) if you condemn the act and proclaim it is disgusting?