Originally Posted by yankeefan1970
Interesting point of view. I was speaking my mind freely in several threads. You posted that my grasp on reality was fragile. You later called me a mindless apologist.
We are really only talking about
one particular thread here, are we not?
Yes, you were speaking your mind freely.
And so was I.
I truly
do believe that your grasp of political reality is indeed fragile, and I said so, frankly and honestly. I also believe that you are, indeed, a mindless apologist for Bush and Co. as well, and I base that opinion on the bulk of your posts in this and in other forums, over a period of several years. Would I be more honest by simply not stating my actual feelings on that particular subject right to your face? Would you prefer that I
censor them out for you? Would that make what I had to say more "real" to you, somehow? I think it was a perfectly valid personal assessment, and perfectly germane to the overall discussion. One must always consider the quality and origin of the
source in question, after all. If the source is simply a mindless parrot then lets
call it a mindless parrot, so we're not laboring under any unnecessary illusions, here.
Am I not entitled to my views and thoughts on the issues, even if they don't conform with your views?
Certainly you are. You're also entitled to hear
my opinions of your views and thoughts. Am I not entitled to present that aspect of my own views and thoughts here, as well?
Since the real "problem" at the very root of the subject that was being discussed actually boils down to the costly, dangerous and positively surreal political beliefs of certain very fucked up
people that routinely support these kinds of fucked up political policies and arguments, and since you are clearly
one of those people supporting those fucked up policies and arguments, then your stated views make you a perfectly legitimate target for rebuttal and condemnation; and the nature and origins of your own personal motivation for believing what you believe are also perfectly fair game, so far as I'm concerned. In other words:
why you believe what you believe is every bit as relevant and germane (maybe even moreso) as
what it is that you actually believe in is, to me.
Rather than question why I have an opinion on an issue, you used a personal attack meant to belittle me. WHY? What did the forum gain from that? What did the thread gain from that?
You prefer to believe that it was a purely personal attack. Maybe it was. I prefer to think that I was simply pointing out the patently obvious to somebody that apparently very badly needed to be made aware of it, and that I did so in no uncertain terms.
I have no need to question why you hold certain opinions on certain issues: I already
know the answer to that question, and I pointed out my own personal views on that particular subject very clearly.
The forum and the thread participants were presented with the opportunity to weigh the possibility that you are nothing but a neocon political parrot, once I had openly voiced the charge, or at least they were given the opportunity to
consider that possibility once it had been voiced.
"Heat" as you refer to it would be if you were asking me a very pointed question on my opinions. "Heat" is not calling someone mindless or making fun of them in other ways.
That "heat" I was referring to is simply the real, honest, genuine, existing, personal
human passions, feelings and emotions of the poster, put into words for all to see and consider, for whatever it's worth.
What you fail to understand and appreciate, I guess, is that to
you the subject was apparently just another inconsequential political matter. But to me it's something else altogether. You see, I have close personal friends that are actually being killed and wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan right now, solely because of Bush and his stupid, incomprehensible military actions and vainglorious political ambitions.
I have already been to the funerals of three US servicemen in the past few months. Funerals for soldiers that I knew personally. Funerals for real people that I cared about -- they are not just nameless, faceless statistical blips to be bandied about just to make your lame neocon political points; not to me. I want YOU to understand that, clearly and fully. It IS a personal matter to me. Very personal. They were good, decent men with wives, friends and families, and their lives have now been forfeited, all because of some incompetent fool's totally fucked up political (and personal) agenda. And I blame everybody that
supports that fool
for that loss. Including you.
I think that people like
you need to be made totally aware of that harsh reality from time to time. I think you need to understand that other people DO blame you -personally- for this mess right now, and that they always will. Simply because you
support it. And I think you, and those that believe as you believe, need to be confronted with your own personal culpability in the matter. Confronted directly, without any "politely toned-down" words or arguments. You need to be made aware of the real-life consequences and costs of your political bullshit, in human terms, so that you can fully "own" your own personal part in it, as you damned well should.
If you had some part in causing the deaths of my friends and my comrades (and supporting Bush definitely qualifies, in my book) then you automatically have a very real problem with
me, as well. Your
ass becomes
mine at that point, so to speak; make no mistake about that. You'll just have to learn to deal with that development as best you can, I guess. Be thankful I can't actually get my hands on you physically. The way I'm feeling about all of this neocon bullshit right now I'd really fuck you up good if I could, and I'd suffer any subsequent consequences gladly. That's how I'm feeling about all the neocon assholes and their supporters right now, to put it very bluntly.
So if I can be allowed to "speak MY mind freely", then the personal attacks should have no place in the forum. If you disagree with something I say, call me on it. Ask me for the foundation of my believe, rather than call me mindless or anything else.
I did call you on it. That's exactly how I "call" people on such things.
I think I'm fully aware of the actual "foundation" of your political opinions and beliefs, such as they are. That comes through in your posts loud and clear, whether you realize it or not. The foundation of your beliefs is, in fact, your total acceptance of certain totally indefensible neocon political ideologies, in my opinion. It's been pretty obvious, over time, that you don't even attempt to think for yourself, you only parrot what the neocon spin-doctors that you adore feed you in their cute little 30-second political sound bites and their endless (and brainless) patriotic cliches. You strike me as nothing more than another brainless Rush Limbaugh drone, to be honest with you.
Rather than question my opinion you question me as a person.
My friends are getting killed because some PEOPLE that share some very fucked-up political ideals are currently in charge of our military forces here in the US. And because other PEOPLE (like Tony Blair, for instance) are politically and militarily supporting them. And you are one of those people that ultimately bear some real measure of responsibility for all of that, it seems to me, since you obviously continue to contribute your own political support to them, and to their insane, sociopathic political policies.
PEOPLE make political decisions and choices. PEOPLE are responsible for them. PEOPLE like you. And some PEOPLE need to be made aware of the actual consequences of their beliefs, and they further need to be made aware of the fact that other PEOPLE are actually dying for those misguided beliefs.
And that makes me as mad as hell. There was no valid reason for it; none at all. Sorry if the fact that I do take the entire situation very personally somehow offends you in some way. If the shoe fits, then you should consider wearing it, I think.
Originally Posted by Boiler
That having said, I think that you did exceed the limit with your remarks towards yankeefan. I have a massive difference of opinion with yankeefan about Bush and his Iraq/Afghanistan policy, but I would never attack him (or anyone else for that matter) the way you did.
And why not? You wouldn't go after the very people that you
know are responsible for intentionally hurting and killing the people that you care about? If you wouldn't, that's pretty cowardly, if you ask me.
Maybe it's just that you haven't actually lost any of your own friends (yet) because of their ongoing stupidity?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
What have my remarks added to the discussion, you ask? Perhaps just this one thing: now you all know that not all of us here in the US are in favor of this administration's policies and decisions, or of what they have done or are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan and other places right now, for one thing. Many of us are truly outraged, and our outrage is growing stronger with each passing day, and with each funeral attended. And you now know that some of us here in the US are no longer holding back our deep outrage about this any more. We'll get right up in your face about it all, and we won't back down once we're in your face, either. Because for many of us this has personally touched our lives in the most unpleasant way imaginable. There is nothing quite like burying your friends to make you aware of just how much you resent the incredibly fucked up "reasons" for their having passed on.
And just for the record, it's not just the loss of my own close personal friends that's got me so inflamed right now. I feel just as sorry for the innocent Iraqi's and Afghans, and for all those other people in this world that are either dead or suffering because of this idiot Bush and his grandiose ambitions, and because of those that continue to support him politically. They are only succeeding in making terrorism all the more popular all over the globe, and people everywhere, in Europe and in Asia and in the Middle East will have to pay the
real price for Bush's endless attempts to gain some sort of political popularity here at home, and to ensure that he wins that next election.
My own personal disgust and outrage about that, and with my own fellow Americans that continue to support this crap, is simply beyond words. But poking Bush's supporters in the eye, whenever and wherever I find them, does seem to help a little bit sometimes. Forgive me, if you will. I'm only human, after all.