Although I see and understand some of the comparisons brought up (Afganistan, Vietnam, etc...), they stop short in that they only seem to depict a stronger nation trying to control a smaller nation militarily in a drawn out war. Chechnya was, although unhappily, a part of Russia for about a century and the things that went on during that time and the hate that it may have grown make it unique from Afganistan, Vietnam, or Iraq.
I think a better one would be the Bosnian war where Yugoslavia (Russia) was not going to allow Bosnia or Croatia (Chechnya) to become independant. Making things more difficult was the make up of the Bosnian population made up of Serbs and muslims (like those loyal to Russia vs muslims in Chechnya). This comparison also does not do justice for the situation since we're talking about Russia, not Yugoslavia, and the UN or NATO won't be getting involved.
Putin used Chechnya to come into power, but I guess the region hasn't been so good to him. Even if it were a viable solution to pull out, he probably couldn't politically afford to (Ahhh, a Bush-Iraq parallel... Anyone who follows Russian politics can maybe correct me on this or expand because I don't follow it at all.). It looks to me like another nasty situation with no easy solution...