Meanwhile in the oval office...
George: "How much do we need?"
Donald: "75 billion. At least."
Dick: "We will never get that much"
Donald: "I know my friend. That's why we're gonna ask for 25 now, 25 in September and 25 in December after the election. After that it's a whole new year and a whole new budget."
Dick: "George...*ahem*...Mr. President, how much do you think we should ask?"
George: "Read my lips: We're not gonna ask for any more money before the election."
Dick: "......"
Donald: "But George......"
Dick: "Sir....."
Donald: "But we agreed....."
George: "HAHAHAHHAAA! You've been had!"
Dick: "What..."
Donald: *whew* "You really got me there George."
Dick: "Read my lips....funny stuff Mr.President."
Donald: "I actually thought there for a moment that you were gonna keep your promise. Had me scared."
Dick: "Me too. I think I crapped my pants."
Often it does seem a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat.
-Mark Twain