i think that phunkie mentioned what seperates anti-semitics from critics. it
depends on what you base your arguments on: actions or who they are.
but as in so many things you can't really blame anybody directly. sure, israel is
quick to point the finger and shout "antisemitism". on the other hand, anti-semites
are shouting back that they aren't antisemitic, but that the israelis brought those
negative feelings upon themselves through their actions. what seems important to
me is that jews are not israelis and what sounds somewhat cheesy, but is also true
is that there are big differences between isrealis themselves. i am appalled at many
of the recent decisions the isreali government took, as well as the weak reaction of
the international community. unfortunately with the way the un works and the usa's
unilateral stance on the matter, it is difficult to change anything to this stalemate