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Old 04-23-2004, 02:11 AM
SwamP_ThinG SwamP_ThinG is offline
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Originally Posted by Phunkie
If there were no wmd in Iraq then how do you explain the following:

1. the ice-cream truck they found
2. the blurry pictures of the ice-cream truck that were presented to the UN
3. the abscence of actual ice-cream from the truck
4. the discovery of Saddam in his ultra-modern wmd command center
5. the red button (obviously for wmd launching) in an Iraqi civilian's shirt
6. the receipts for the wmd in the US' possession
7. the non-discovery of the wmd by the UN (obviously very well hidden)
8. the capability of Iraq to destroy the universe in 30 seconds
9. the threat Iraq presented to the US
10. the similarity in appearance of the Iraqi people to Osama and his buddies
11. the suspicious mustache everyone in Iraq has (obviously for hiding things)
12. the jibberish they talk in Iraq (obviously used for hiding more things)
13. the words of George W. Bush and his buddies (since they don't lie)
14. all the other hard evidence

Well how do you explain these?
1. Thatīs the ice-cream truck that was used by Saddam to give his sons an ice-cream treat!
2. Uh..err...the truck was moving, some dude with a t-shirt pressed the red button. See nš 5.
3. Saddamīs gluton sons ate it all, daddy was feeling generous.
4. Saddamīs WMD center was turned into an Ice Cream shop.
5. The red button is to call the ice-cream truck.
6. The receipts are for strawberry flavoured ice-cream purchases.
7. Saddam just forgot where he putted them.
8. Uh, must that strawberry ice-cream that the US sold to him, no? Provokes a quick trip to the john, after 30 seconds of eating.
9. Iraq made better chocolate ice-cream, thus it was a threat.
10. Uh, Osama had a Xerox machine?? :confused:
11. Thatīs obvious! Itīs to hide any traces of ice-cream, before the inspectors come.
12. Itīs codetalk for ice-cream vendors.
13. The only time when they are not lying is when they are bullshitting.
14. Hard evidence?? Oh, do you mean "hard" as in "stale and out of date"? (like 15 years out of date)

See how easy it was?
"Quincitilius Varus, give me back my legions!"
Emperor Augustus of Rome.
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