Thread: Busharon
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Old 04-18-2004, 12:41 PM
fatboy fatboy is offline
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Originally Posted by NHØP
Thats the way I see it. It seems to be the way most people are seeing it. Maybe we can agree do disagree on this point?
Sure. But I wish I knew how advice could be permission.
Yes, I do think we have a lot of leverage in the Muslim world. If we will never have the confidence of the Arab/Muslim world, why bother trying to build a democracy in Iraq? For that matter, why bother trying to encourage democracy anywhere in the region? Why bother maintaining embassies and giving financial assistance to Arab states?
So we can get some influence in the Arab world, because we don't have any now.
However, in the case of both Lebanon and Syria, Israel still hasnt returned land claimed by these nations. (Sheba farms and the Golan Heights, respectively) It is no coincidence that these nations have not as yet made peace with Israel.
Israel has withdrawn from Lebanon, the area they occupied is now occupied by UN forces. The UN does not recognize Syria's claim to Sheba Farms. Both nations have recognized Israel's right to exist.
Huh? Was the elimination of Israel part of the negotiating platform of the PLO during the Oslo process?
I was being facetious. Still, on the very day he shook Rabin's hand to seal the Oslo Accords, Arafat assured a Jordanian TV audience that the liquidation of Israel was still his goal.
They got everything else they demanded? Oslo II? What changed?
Yes, they got everything they demanded: withdrawal of Israeli forces, recognition of a Palestinian state, Palestinian self-rule. Still, the terrorism didn't stop. Israel conceded more - the terrorism didn't stop. Then Ehud Barak offered joint control of Jerusalem, the Palestinians responded by unleashing the deadliest terror campaign Israelis have ever known. By this time Israel learned that the idea of the Oslo Accords was not to achieve peace with Palestinians, but to keep them at the bargaining table while Hamas blew up civilians.
I also never said that the goal of HAMAS was NOT the destruction of Israel. The goal of HAMAS is to destroy the Jewish state of Israel and replace it with an Islamic one.
Then how can there ever be peace? How can Bush be dictating terms to a group like this? Why would Israel need permission from the US to protect itself from an organization that wants to destroy it?
Interesting read, but truly a dream. It will take more than 50 years for Muslims to live in harmony with Jews.
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