Thx for the welcome. It took me some time to find this place...
If Europe pulls it's soldiers out of all Muslim countries, the terrorists will ask for more.
Hes asking to pull soliders out of their(!) countries... Yes i can see how this can lead to the demand for world domination.
France has not taken part in the Iraq fiasco, um...I mean war, and they are still a target because of the head scarve ban.
I think France is targeted by difrent group. Its members are most likely citizens of France.
The French once paid off the Vikings so the Vikings wouldn't rout them and destroy Paris. Instead of solving the problem, the various Viking clans came back again and again demanding more and more treasure and if Europe "pays off Osama" by giving into his demands, the same thing will happen.
Well (some) European countries attacked them and hes asking them to stop that or he will hit them back. Not exactly the same thing...