Thread: Busharon
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Old 04-15-2004, 04:15 PM
NHØP NHØP is offline
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Exactly. So how could it be construed that Bush has negotiated for Palestinians?
Yes, maybe I was too hasty in writing my initial post. Or maybe I was just too angry. But to paraphrase Qurei, who the hell does he think he is:

The Palestinian prime minister said Mr Bush had apparently given "himself the right to make concessions on behalf of the Palestinians... we cannot accept this under any circumstances".
Hasn't Israel had large chunks of the West Bank that they won in the '67 war? Doesn't that make it Israel's land to give away, or keep?

No. As I've already pointed out, this is illegal.

That's a far cry from violating Human Rights, and International Law, isn't it?
I must have been unclear. I didn't say that we (the US) were violating human rights and international law, but that we were encouraging Israel to continue to do so.

Would you support my annexation of Colorado for the Fatboy Empire?
So thats where you live. Sure, I'll support you, as long as you can get a large majority of Coloradans to go along.

Perhaps you support the Barrio Warriors and their goal to return all of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas to Mexico? After all, America took this land from Mexico against International Law and Mexicans live in all of these states.
I haven't heard of these people, so I'm guessing its not a very popular meme. If Mexicans were driven out of these lands in large numbers, then I guess I would have to agree that they had a point. From my understanding of the USA/Mexico situation, most Mexicans would like to become US citizens and get a good job in the USA. Am I wrong in this analysis?

You used very literal words: "dictate terms", "international law and basic principles of human rights", "I am ashamed to be an American". I'm trying to understand where you got these ideas, because the text you linked to didn't support them. "Attempting to do so" isn't much of a condemnation; certainly not enough to embarrass you. America has been attempting to dictate terms to the world since 1945. We've done it with bullets, dollars, and words. Why is this any different?
Well, as I said above, I was pretty shocked and angry at hearing this, so maybe I wasnt very clear. I've reread my original post a few times now, and the overall gist of what I was trying to say seems pretty straightforward to me, though I may not be 100% objective in this particular instance.... Yes, America has been attempting to dictate terms to the world since 45, though we at least usually manage to do some actual good, at least in most instances that I can think of. I cant remember the last time we actively encouraged violations of international law. ALso, I was under the (perhaps mistaken) impression that since the end of the cold war our foreign policy has become more benevolent.

In this particular instance, I dont see an upside for anyone, whether AMerican, Jewish, or Palestinian. To encourage an ally to violate international law and basic principles of human rights is not only morally wrong, but will likely prove a strategic blunder of possibly historic porportions.
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