Originally Posted by Grisu
Along those lines, Clearchannel (a huge radio company) has taken Howard Stern off 15 stations as they fear being fined.... Welcome to the land of the free speach!
It is easy for the government to violate the first amendment and fine speech based on the content when people allow them. The religious right of this country would rather the government ban speech it finds offensive than just not to pay attention to it. As time goes by, the government abridges more and more speech (even political speech).
If people are offended by women in lingeree, they could simply turn the channel on their TVs or just turn th TV off, but these people believe that society should not allow ANYTHING that upsets them.
I am not a fan of Howard Stern, but the FCC's action troubles me because this is obviously only the first step. I am sure that the televangelists will not be taken off the air, though, even though they offend many people (including me).
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