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Old 04-02-2004, 04:08 AM
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Originally Posted by fatboy
Well, what evidence did he have? Was it eyewitness evidence; did he have someone deep inside al Queda that could verify the plan? Was it cross-checked against other sources? What evidence could he possibly have had that, upon attacking al Queda, deep in Afghanistan (a sovereign nation, under no UN sanctions, a threat to no one), wouldn't have thrown every person who admonished Bush for attacking Iraq into a tizzy?

But he didn't do anything, did he? That's not commendable either, is it? Because 3000 people died. He should have taken action, regardless of the information he had. He was advised that something should be done; he should have done it. Even though Richard Clarke was recommending air strikes on al Queda bases - a clear violation of international law.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It sure does make it easy to condemn though, doesn't it? Funny.
I don't blame Bush for not preventing 9.11. He probably didn't have the requisite evidence to prove that al_Queda was planning an attack, but after 1993, we did know that we were going to be attacked again, and it seems as if everyone who is talking reports that Bush never held security meetings and that he never pressured the intelligence agencies to exchange information. If Bush actually focused on terrorism, I would like to know what he did.

I would think that Bush would, at the very least, give the amount of meetings held, what actions he took (maybe he can't go into all of them, but he could talk about some), the instructions he gave, etc.

It seems as if all the "whistle blowers" so far have had alterior motives to accuse Bush of being obsessed with Iraq to the detriment of everything else, but I would like to hear all the actions Bush took on our behalf. Everything Bush does duing the workday is recorded. Why not release the dates of all the meetings and how long they were?

Like it or not, the intelligence agencies did not know what each other were doing, and Bush, as the head of the executive branch of government is ultimately responsible for making sure his agencies run properly.
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