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Old 03-28-2004, 03:33 PM
Barça Barça is offline
Another Gamer
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Barça is on a distinguished road

You are clearly, deeply mistaken.
Lets see, point by point, what it is I have said thus far:
Firstly, I debated Aether on his use of the DEA's paper. I pointed out the sources and discussed them for their value, which was mostly medical research. I added some other reports which stated benefits for the drug, which was one of my points of contention.
I also said that Grisus and Aethers claim about the drug affecting people the way they described, was not a rotund fact, but more the result of a certain study.
You should calm down a bit, for I have done nothing but debate coherently and summarising my points, as well as backing my claims with the sources used.
Aether said your claims about weed correlated the DEA report, and SARCASTICALLY, I asked, and am still awaiting an answer, if he thinks the DEA agrees that you can improve your concentration if you smoke weed. I dont care if its in some situations or not, Aether compared your experiences of the drug as fitting the DEA report, when in fact they contradict each other on various points, some of which I mentioned.

I have not been in rehab. I have smoked weed, taken LSD, tried cocaine, mushrooms and speed. I did all except weed on counted occasions, having taken speed once, and coke twice. This in the span of 10 years. LSD i've tried twice. I have been lucky enough to be able to try these drugs without becoming addicted. I tried these drugs because of curiosity, and I have since managed to stay clear from them. I have a close relative who used heroin and thus I will never even touch that drug.

When Aether posted his link about the drug being a gateway drug, I quoted the parts where the researchers expressed their qualms about the existence of a causal link between weed and harder drugs. So basically, I pointed out some information which he cared to disregard.
When you say "the majority will use it to climb the drug ladder to heavier stuff, like cocaine, speed, or even crack cocaine and heroine" is that supposed to be a fact? Do you seriously say that everyone in Portugal, or rather, the majority in Portugal who try weed will go on to heroin? I can tell you it is not the case in Spain.
If you believe that because you were an addict you have more insight or more validiy in your arguments, you are very wrong. If your posts dont make sense, I will point it out, and thus far I have. You claim a majority will go on ot harder drugs, and your link proving this clearly states, in case you didnt bother to read: Cannabis users with harddrug experience accounted for fewer than 10% of the participants in our focus groups. Some majority! The other report, admits a possibility, and again statistically concludes that an individual who doesnt smoke is 17 times more likely to go on to other drugs.
When you or Aether decide to answer my questions, or actually debate what I say, go ahead, I will continue debating.
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