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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2003, 08:13 PM
Posts: n/a

Alright, sweety, I don't want to go all insensitive on ya here, but you seem to have syndome X. It goes something like, "X happened to me, X it horrible, X is evil and bad and X is suddenly happening to so many more people that I'm aware it has happened to me, X must either be outlawed or a huge campain must be formed to stop X from effecting anybody else."
I've had it before too.
Shit, shark bite victims experiance it. Suddenly they want to close down the oceans to protect the world from X. (In this case, a shark)
It's terrible that those things have happened to you and your family, but they AREN'T any more common than they used to be. Some are even LESS common. You have to look at things factually, not from a personal, emotionally-driven point of view.
And........ So you disowned your brother for being gay but you're NOT homophobic? Do explain that one.
Sorry about that stuff though... Hope things turn out better for you.