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Old 04-29-2003, 07:33 AM
Cheat_Master Cheat_Master is offline
Blondi's #4 Bitch™
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Originally posted by Adrian
man I think it's funny so many people thought that shit was real... Pft. Just shows you how naive people are... if it says "THIS IS NOT A PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN OR HOAX," people will leap to believe it. ("It even SAYS it's not a hoax!")
Why do you think so many people still buy ouijji boards?
Quiji boards are real. Have you ever played one of those fucking things? It crazy shit. Someone in my school used to make them on paper and let us mess with them. If its not real. How come when we were asking it qustions (i was only one touching penny). I was answering shit correctly, pretty fuckin wierd.