Today was day one in a dreaded cycle of (guess what?) dissection at my school. It was... crayfish. Now, of course I refused to participate, which my teacher was not horribly thrilled about, and she ending up making me "watch" (aka copy their lab sheets and rant about the mini-holocoust that was taking place) another group in their murder adventure. In other words, my "alternative" was to indirectly participate rather than not at all.
We're doing frogs in a few weeks. I won't even be in the room for that. I find it disgusting that my entire class (It's a small class though, about 15 people) thought it was "fun" to make the dead courpses dance.
Peta's video
"Classroom Cut-ups" is absulotely horrific. It's right after the Alicia Silverstone ad... Not for anybody with a weak stomach, if you haven't seen it. I think I should give the video to my bio teacher. The entire class should watch it.
I don't like what peta has become (anti-corporate rather than pro-animal rights, and they've been caught in lies) but that video needs watching.
Ah, and before anybody calls me a hypocrite, I don't wear leather or fur and I've been trying to give up meat and I think I finally have for good.
Dissection sucks... I feel sick.