Thread: Breaking Up...
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Old 04-01-2003, 09:46 PM
Ducon Ducon is offline
Blondi's #1 Bitch™
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: in my toybox!!!
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Ducon is on a distinguished road

ive never broken up with anyone.. ive always been broken up with... hmmmmmm... i tend to take it hard and go into a depression... but once it is over... i cant go back... hurts to know they did it once and could do it again... i still try to be friends... and still am friends with most of them...
i worship thee Blondi...
goop nicknameCourt Order

list of people i like on this site... Blondi, xero, Holly, Adrian, DarkBlood...Illusion, GunGrave, Cheat-Master, Benson, Jushiko...