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Old 03-23-2003, 06:58 PM
Matrix Matrix is offline
Sir Shags-A-Lot
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Nike™ Headquart
Posts: 2,510
Rep Power: 294
Matrix is on a distinguished road

DF, Dwhitten = Will you guyz marry me? :x
Spatty = Oh yes you do...NOW GET BACK TO WORK !
Eddie = Oh yeah, and guess what else we did (There were more girls in the party than guyz)
Zephyr = Yeah, I do have thick eyebrows
Nispo = LMFAO! Actually, the wall was not blue, but it appeard blue in the picture.
Davey = STFU

In the second picture, I look retarted and somebody who is moron, and soft, but I am actually not