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Old 03-19-2003, 10:57 PM
Jay Jay is offline
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Default Are you guys scared of gangs?

My friend is really paranoid about them. He stays in all day because, according to him, if he goes out past nine, He'll get rapped.

This guy has been playing to much GTA Vice City. I mean, you can't be so scared of something that it effects the way you live. There are lot's of stuff to be afriad of, like for example, the most dangerous gang of them all:

But I don't go around locking myself in my room over them. Ladies and boys, we are young, don't waste your time inside.

Favorite People's list: Holly, Amber, Adam, Dwhitten, Spitz, GTA, Gungrave, homless guy, Transexual, Aka.
:x xero :x