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Old 03-20-2003, 05:27 PM
Jstbcool Jstbcool is offline
Blondi's #5 Bitch™
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Originally posted by GUNPEi
Nope, except how all teachers are fucking liberal pricks and try to force their liberal views on us IE trying to teach us that war is ALL horrible and no good comes of it.
A lot of the teachers in my school are really retarded. One guy got his show, World News, taken off the air because he agreed with both sides of the war. The thing is, the teacher only took it off because he said that he agreed with being against the war. That is a bunch of BS. My school is so retarded, anytime they do something funny on announcements, some teacher is "offended" by it and complains so now our announcements are really boring. Why do teachers have to be so stupid?

P.S. Sorry for going off subject, but that has been bothering me all day.

Back on subject, does anyone see anyway of anything getting the the middle of Indiana.... didn't think so. Oh, lets blow up some corn, even though they havn't started growing it yet. I also read that an airplane or missle from Iraq couldn't get more than 1,300.... miles I think it mighta been, probably some other unit though.... out of Iraq without it being shot down.