Originally posted by Ehvlt
"Homophobia is gay!" Haha, that's great.
But onto more serious matters..
Your friend has probably been talking to someone that visits his mosque every once in a while that likes to get into the whole muslim superiority, jews are evil, horseshit. It happens a lot with ever denomination, but some muslims are particularly hostile because they feel they are being blamed for everything bad that happens in the world that regards to terrorism.
It's sad.
You're probablly right.
Basically what he got out was that 3,000 Jewish people stayed home from work on 9-11 in the area (Which is either a lie, or 3,000 is a normal % for how many Jewish people work in the area) and he said you can't know what happened on the planes. That's pretty much all he got out... What does he think? All the Jewish people in NY got together and not ONE leaked it out? it was just a coniscience that all the planes carried passangers that took flying lessons, behaving oddly and were involved in Al Queda? 0.o