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Old 03-18-2003, 05:03 PM
DannyBoy872 DannyBoy872 is offline
Noticeable Gamer
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Minneapolis, Mi
Posts: 635
Rep Power: 274
DannyBoy872 is on a distinguished road

English: Did some grammar work which really sucked.

Civivcs with debate: Did a debate about legalizing gambling and won.

Math: My class ended up getting into a political discussion with the teacher.

Lunch: I talked to people and ate.

Spanish: I talked to people and didn't really pay attention.

Band: Played music

Science: Did an experiment with sugar.

It was an okay day.
"Did you ever find bugs bunny attractive when he put on a dress to play girl bunny?"
-Garth Algar