The Tuesday thread
Well, today is Tuesday, so feel free to come in and discuss yours, I may make threads for each day of the week, and sticky them on each day....Definitely a monday thread though, because I hate them so much.
Today was a B day for my school, so I had Spanish, Algebra, Multimedia, and History. In that order.[list=1][*]Spanish- I pretty much just did my Algebra homework in there. We went over the "Let's " form of verbs, and I slept through the end of it.[*]Algebra - Turned in my homework, we had a test, and I was stumped on only one question. I had forgotten that the Remainder Theorem was just Synthetic Division.[*]Multimedia- I got to make my own poster, so I made one for GG, and I think it looks pretty good, it just needs a good background.[*]History- Discussion, fun fun. We talked about the InterWar period, and towards the end discussed the War with Iraq.[/list=1]
How about you guys?
mr bigggshot: wait, are you humoring me?
I couldbe asleep: no
mr bigggshot: shit, and i totally fell for it
mr bigggshot: i need to stop being retarded