I am trying not to irk too much to the point that this becomes a rant...
But consentual crime is one of the most absurb things that is left in a "free" place like America, or Canada, or England, or New Zealand...
If you happen to have any intrest at all, go to the liberary and get a copy of
Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do by Peter McWilliams. It's probablly the best non-fiction book I've ever read. Keep in mind it's over 800 pages. (At least the hardcover edition is)
Anyway, It's getting to a point where I feel sick to my stomach every time sombody is arrested for another consentual crime. Altohugh it happens far too often for me to ever have any idea each time... But whenever I hear about it, I wince. It's disgusting.
The author of "Ain't Nobody's Business if you Do," died a few years back from the very things he spoke about in this book before he was even diagnosed with said dieseses and the events the book points out that occur to people happened just to him. The irony of it was terrible, and awful and sad, and shows just how oppressed people still are in the "Good old" U. S. of A.
For backroung on this, go here:
So what do you think about consentual crime? I'll try not to chew you out, but I still say READ. THE. BOOK.