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Old 03-04-2003, 07:18 PM
GUNPEi GUNPEi is offline
Coren's Dirty Secret
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Talon IV
Posts: 1,547
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GUNPEi is on a distinguished road
Default DEPRESSED *kills self*

No, dont worry about me killing myself if anyone really does care.

Last Sunday my parents told me that they are going to get divorced. Well, the confusing part is that they pulled this right outta their asses because I NEVER thought my parents were having problems. So, basically I am in a state of shock right now and it hasnt really hit me but I do realize that I am probably going to have to move....

My point being that if you suddenly notice that i dont post here for a long time its probably because I am moving and I dont have my computer hooked up. Also, the sadest part is that my dad doesnt like to pay for monthly things IE Cable TV (never had it ) and Internet...So that may mean you wont see me for a LONG time.

Just thought you would like to know this guys...

KillerInstinct33: Can I be your slave?
CorenNoRui: yes
KillerInstinct33: thank you master