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Old 02-22-2003, 11:18 PM
nispo nispo is offline
DarkBlood's Bitch
Join Date: Aug 2002
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Default We all get tired of our sigs...

... and Ive gotten tired of my sig. So, I got an idea.. I'll take any sig that is good.. and I'll use it for AT LEAST a week. The first week I use I'll pay you 1000 goop, and for each additional day I use it I'll pay you 100-200 goop. I'll also put something in my sig like.. "This sig pic has been brought to you by (your name here)"
Now, I was gonna use some of the old sigs you guys made me, but they were lost during the hacking So, I like simple backgrounds.. and just my name in it. The slicker looking the better.