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Old 02-20-2003, 10:07 PM
Coren Coren is offline
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Coren is on a distinguished road

Originally posted by Atrocity
and to that I saw.

Sucks to be you.

but think of it this way

Clinton was White Trash too... hell he still is.. but he got to be president.. work your ass off and don't complain.. and make as many "friends" as possible and you'll find out that you can make it out of the gutter... with or without your family.. its up to you if you wanna carry the anchor as you make it to the top or drop it now only to pick it up later on..

hell in your situation I would suggest leaving the internet life all togeather and start going out and making opportunities for yourself... every minute you lose is a minute your not going to get back..
Well see under all the pressure of my family I can't even make a mistake like getting a problem wrong on homework without it being a "Future threatening thing" I swear...